Friday, June 18, 2010

Photoshoppin It Up!

The ransom note that I designed included text that was a play on Graphic Design layout terminology. The 'gutter' of a book is the middle section where the book folds.  If there is no marginal space left, the body copy can 'bleed' or run off into the gutter of the page.  So I turned it into a ransom note as well as a helpful tip!

I love love love Grace Jones and her style! And after seeing her perform live at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, I thought she'd make an awesome subject for an iPod ad!  The pose is the same pose from her album cover 'Pull Up To The Bumper.'  I chose the colors green, black, yellow, and red because she is originally from Jamaica, hence those being the country's colors.  This was one of my favorite creations!

I was inspired by the amazing Spiritual/Physiological artist Alex Grey who is best known for his book Transfigurations! The graffiti stencil I re-created is a popular piece by him which depicts the Creator's hand at work.  I love the contrast of the black/white wall with the colorful stencil.   And the # 8 represents Infinite Creation! :)

For my crosshatch project, I chose a piece by one of my favorite Graffiti and Pop artists, Shepard Fairey because there is so much ornate detail in the woman's clothing which I thought would transfer nicely in black & white.  The original piece is called 'Arab Woman' and I feel it is such a beautiful work of cultural Art.

As you may know, I strongly adore the spirit of the hummingbird because they are such delicate unique and ethereal creatures.. So hence I attribute this project to my appreciation of the tiny lil dancer!

I thought this was a cute little cartoon image of two kids in love.  I added the text 'Love' in a fun swirly metal.

I practiced retouching one of my own modeling pictures.  Can't wait to be able to do all my pictures!

And last but not least....ALE...ALE....JANDRO!! The Lady has been Lichtensteined!


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